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How To Install V2ray TCP on your Server and Enjoy Unlimited Internet


In this article, I will show you a detailed method on how to install V2ray with TCP non SSL on a linux VPS Server and enjoy Unlimited Internet without any need to use hosts.
Without going any further, lets begin.


A linux VPS Server
A Working Brain

What You Should Already Know?

You Should Already Know How to login into a VPS server and access the shell.
You Should Also know Sudo and SuperUser Access.

If you well with all the above, let's get started.

The Info in this article works for the installation of V2ray TCP on a linux Server running any of the below distros

1. Kali Linux
2. Debian
3. Ubuntu

For the installation, we are going to use a v2ray script written by 233 boy.
The language of the script is chinese but you can easily follow my screenshots below to go around it.
for more understanding of it, you can copy the text on your terminal and use google translate.

How To Install V2ray TCP on Ubuntu server.

Following the steps below, I demonstarted using a Server running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Step 1:
Login to your VPS server and make sure you are running as root.
Then copy and paste this Script and hit enter.


bash <(curl -s -L

Step 2:
Select Option 1 (means Install)

Step 3:
From this list of install options, TCP is at number 1. so we type 1 and press enter.

Step 4:
The next step is to chose a v2ray port.(Literally where V2ray TCP service will be running on our server.)

Note: You have to select any random port that is not part of the standard communication ports. i.e
It should not be 443, 80, 8080, 8001, or any other port that has a pre defined function.

I will choose port 52273.
So, I type 52273 and hit enter

Step 5:
The next step requires us to choose whether we want to enable adblock or not.
(Y/N) Y for Yes and N for No.
Adblock impacts performance so I will not go with it.
Type N and Press enter.

Step 6:
Here, you are required to choose if you want to add Shadowsocks to this installation.
I do not need Shadowsocks for this, so I will leave it out.
Type N and press enter.

Step 7:
After Selecting all your installation options, you will now be required to select whether you want to proceed with the installation.
Use CTRL + C to cancel or Enter To Continue.

Press Enter to complete the installation.
It will take just a few seconds.

Step 8:
After the Installation is finished, type v2ray url and press enter to get a vmess.


Step 9:
Copy the vmess carefully without including any extra space.
The method used to copy will depend on the SSH Client you are using to connect to your server.
I am using Juice SSH, so I will click on the screen, then select copy whole session.

After that, I copy the Vmess from the dialog.


Step 10:
Lastly, Import the vmess in your favorite v2ray client app and connect.


Enjoy Unlimited internet.
